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"Chainsaw Man" is a dark and action-packed manga series following Denji, a...
"Jujutsu Kaisen" is a supernatural manga/anime featuring Yuji Itadori, who consumes a...
"Attack on Titan" is a gripping dark fantasy anime/manga series set in...
"Demon Slayer" (Kimetsu no Yaiba) is an anime/manga featuring Tanjiro Kamado, a...
"Jojo's Bizarre Adventure" is a long-running manga/anime series with multiple arcs featuring...
"Spy x Family" is a charming manga series featuring a spy, a...
"Tokyo Revengers" is a thrilling time-travel manga/anime. Takemichi Hanagaki revisits his past...
"Black Clover" is a fantasy anime/manga where Asta, a boy born without...
"Darling in the Franxx" is a mecha anime with a unique blend...
"Death Note" follows Light Yagami, who discovers a notebook allowing him to...
"Haikyuu" is a sports anime/manga centered on the exhilarating world of high...
"Hunter x Hunter" is a captivating anime/manga series centered on Gon Freecss,...
*My Hero Academia* is an anime and manga series set in a...
"Naruto" is a beloved anime/manga series following Naruto Uzumaki's quest to become...
Studio Ghibli is a Japanese animation film studio based in Tokyo, Japan....
"Pokémon" is a multimedia franchise capturing the adventures of trainers like Ash...
A sports manga and anime series focused on soccer, with a unique...
A dark fantasy manga and anime series set in a medieval world...
"Bleach" revolves around Ichigo Kurosaki, a teenager who gains soul reaper powers....
The "Dragon Ball" franchise is a legendary anime series known for its...
Genshin Impact is an open-world, action role-playing game that allows the player to...
"One Piece" is a legendary anime/manga with a grand adventure. Monkey D....
nec efficitur tellus dictum. Nam molestie quam in pellentesque hendrerit. Nulla facilisi....
In a world of gifted hunters and monsters, a weak hunter Sung...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas faucibus vehicula dolor...